
Tag: central florida kindermusik

I had to share this “whoa” moment.

Happy December everyone!

Recently I was hired to do a presentation via video conference call for a parenting group in Arizona. This group found me on Instagram where I tend to share a lot of developmental nuggets about how music affects a child’s development. I was honored to be asked and accepted the task. Can I just say that I had the BEST TIME? Sharing my passion with a wonderful group of moms was so much fun and rewarding. I hope I left a bit of an impression that trickles down to their precious babies.

I’m not presenting to you today in my blog post, but I did want to share one “whoa” moment to consider as you enter into what tends to be a chaotic time of year. For a child in their first 2000 days, the days between birth and Kindergarten, it is the time when their brain will form the most rapidly in their entire life. I learned (and then subsequently passed it on in my presentation) that a baby’s brain forms synapses (connections) at a rate of 1 MILLION PER SECOND! The actual “whoa” though is the fact that if those synapses aren’t strengthened, they prune and shed. Like, gone forever. brain connectionThe ones that are strengthened, shape who your baby will become as a person. These synapses are formed for vision, hearing, language and cognitive function, and this all happens in the first year of life. Not only that but social and emotional function as well. Each of us is born with the potential to control impulses and be focused but acquiring these skills happens in the early years when these synapses are forming. It helps create a foundation that will carry through a person’s entire life.

Large bodies of research have reported that high quality Birth-8 years learning environments, with regular attendance help build a strong foundation for the forming of these synapses. (NC Early Childhood Foundation)

Okay, you probably see where I’m going with this.

Music is magical.
child playing resonator barIt’s is a multi-sensory activity. When children are engaged with music and movement, their hearing and visual senses are fully engaged. When multiple senses are engaged in an activity, more areas of the brain are activated. The more areas of the brain activated, the more brain connections formed. It is a fact that MUSIC is one of the only activities that activates, stimulates and uses the ENTIRE brain. I think that is fascinating, and exciting.

For the last 18 years, I have been SO PROUD to enhance the lives of families all across Central Florida with the gift of Kindermusik. Kindermusik was created with the idea that in a child’s early years, we can use the best tool EVER to strengthen those synapses so pruning and shedding is minimal.

Okay here’s my pitch. A month of Kindermusik at Grow and Sing Studios is $68. That may seem like a lot, but, considering that your baby is forming 1 million synapses a second right now, and each one of those needs love and care, it’s a pretty good deal.

I have an even BETTER deal! For the month of December, you can attend 2 per week until Christmas at 35% off, PLUS you’ll receive an invitation to our Jingle Jam Holiday Party (our entire team of teachers is singing!). To learn more, fill out the form here, and mention our “New Family December Offer”. We’ll hook you up.

If you decide to wait, we’ll hold back the guilt and encourage you to consider asking for a Kindermusik Gift Certificate so you can join us in 2020. Click here for more on that.

Oh, and if you are reading this from far and wide, and are part of a parenting group I would love to share my presentation with you. I’m for hire! Just contact me and we can chat. Also, you can find a Kindermusik class all around the globe by clicking here.

Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season, and lots of strong synapse forming days with your child!

xo Holly Holly Lesnick is a Licensed Kindermusik Educator and Studio owner at Grow and Sing Studios, a Bachelor of Music Therapy, mom of 2 and has been married to her husband Will for 21 years. Holly is the Kindermusik International Brand Ambassador for the U.S., and always happy to collaborate with brands and businesses she believes in.

Reference: First 2000 days information found mostly at NC Early Childhood Foundation.

The Gift of Time

What is something you absolutely love to do? What are you good at? What is your favorite band? Who are your best friends?

Now, imagine how different your path with any of these things would be if you only went by your very first impression. Did you know instantly that you loved to do that thing? Or did you need to try a few times before you realized it was something you liked to do, or were good at. Maybe running, or dancing, or sports. What about your favorite song or band? Did you sing along the first time you heard it?

Think about it. How long does it take you to sing along to a song? I mean ACTUALLY SING ALONG. On first listen, you are most likely processing. Thinking about if you would like to hear it again. The second time, you may be tapping your foot, or humming along. The third time, maybe you are singing along to the chorus. You get the idea. It takes time to process experiences. It takes time to decide if it’s something we want to do again. It takes us time to form relationships, or skills.

As parents, we just want our kids to be happy. We want them to have fun, and feel safe. But the truth is, there’s growth in a bit of the unknown, in the processing.

Timgrown up holding crying childe and time again, we witness families with their babies or toddlers in a first time preview of one of our music classes. New experiences are challenging for children and adults. It takes time to process new environments and take it all in. Many times, as young children are easing into their first class, they may be quiet, cry, or even the opposite, it may overexcite them. This is all part of processing and it’s only the first impression.  In fact, what we are really talking about here is a parent’s first impression of their child’s first impression.

“She’s never like this at home”. We hear this a lot. As educators, we aren’t surprised. Why? Because Kindermusik is a sensory rich environment filled with sights, sounds, socialization, brain work, team work and the list goes on. It would be surprising to think that a child isn’t processing this new environment. To either clam up quietly as an observer, or to run around wildly as a kinesthetic learner. All of this is part of the first impression. When a parent decides to not enroll based on this first impression, could it be that so much learning and growth opportunities are missed? Imagine an environment that allows for these first impression moments in a non-judgmental way, and allows for a 2nd, 3rd or even 4th impression before making a final decision. Imagine the possibilities.

Consider giving your child the gift of time.

xo HollyHolly Lesnick is a Licensed Kindermusik Educator and Studio owner at Grow and Sing Studios, a Bachelor of Music Therapy, mom of 2 and celebrated 20 years of marriage with her husband Will.  Holly is the Kindermusik International Brand Ambassador for the U.S., and always happy to collaborate with brands she believes in.


Click here for offer for new families to Grow and Sing Studios. 

Why these moments mean everything.

I first stepped into a Kindermusik classroom as a brand new mom to our daughter Anna. She was three months old, and I was SO nervous! I had no idea what to expect. I had resigned from my job as a Music Therapist and Activity Director in the geriatric population to stay at home with Anna and there was no doubt in my mind music would be a part of our world. The minute I entered that Kindermusik class, my entire world changed. It felt like home. I adored being a Kindermusik parent in class. I was blown away by the child centered approach to learning, the accepting loving environment and the incredible parent education I received. It was one of the most precious times that I now realize go by far to quickly. Considering my degree in Music Therapy, I was quickly convinced to teach Kindermusik and so I became licensed. I loved teaching it. I loved attending it. Thanks to my daughter Anna, who led me there, I found my true passion.
Aiden and I at Kindermusik
Fast forward a few years. I was extremely pregnant with our son Aiden when the studio I worked for closed up their business and I lost my Kindermusik teaching job. After Aiden was born, I was such a happy mom of two, but there was something missing. My little man needed to have Kindermusik and I SO craved those moments with him. I knew the incredible developmental benefits it had already had on our daughter, not to mention the many milestones I had witnessed of others in classes I taught. I honestly couldn’t imagine not having the opportunity to enjoy the Kindermusik activities with him. So, in 2005, I selfishly created Grow and Sing Studios for Aiden. I even convinced my dear friend, a music educator whom I met in music school to work with me, so I could attend as a mom! And so, the roller coaster of business ownership, mixed with being Kindermusik mom began.

It’s been 16 years since I became licensed and I have loved every moment. My husband Will came on board and Grow and Sing Studios became our family business. Our mission, to connect as many families as we can through the magic of music is our focus. We are blessed with such an incredible team of educators who we consider family. Our children both graduated Kindermusik after attending the entire continuum of classes. Anna is now almost 17 and Aiden is 13! I can’t express how much I cherish the moments I had with them at Kindermusik in their first years. The cuddles, the dances, the precious unplugged, uninterrupted moments. They are what life is about. That is what we want for you. So that when you are in the hustle and bustle of car lines, band rehearsals, and sports practices in 16 or so years, you can look back and remember that fun dance, silly song, or quiet time rocking song you shared with your baby at Kindermusik and cherish them too.See you soon.

Try a Free Kindermusik Class!

Are you ready for unplugged quality time with your little one?
Kindermusik offers research proven learning and guaranteed connections.
  We invite you to try a free preview class this week.
Now accepting registrations for second half of Spring classes.

We pro-rate based on remaining weeks.  
Now open – Registration for Summer classes!
We are “traveling minstrels”, so our classes are offered at different locations, days and times around Central Florida throughout the week. We know this can get confusing, so just contact us and we’ll be happy to connect you with an age appropriate class.
Know someone else who would be interested in a free preview class?
with family and friends.
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Kindermusik offer and November News!

November 2016 News
We can’t believe two full months of our 2016-2017 school year classes are already completed. What an amazing time we are having in all of our locations. Did you know o ur program welcomes you ANY time? It’s never too late to enroll, we’ll always pro-rate tuition if needed. Click here to learn about all the locations we offer classes and enjoy our location welcome videos where you can get to know your Grow and Sing Studios educators! CLICK HERE TO VIEW CLASSES. 
Have you seen our offer on Facebook yet? If not, be sure to claim your $5.00 off playdate deal for either our “I’m Thankful” November playdate, or “Tis the Season” December playdate.These classes, which are 45 minutes long and include a 10 song download card, are normally $15! For babies through 7 years old! Follow the instructions listed in the terms on the deal!
We are an official Toys for Tots drop off station. You are welcome to drop off a new unwrapped toy to any of our teachers ( contact us to find out where we are each day) and it will make it’s way to our box! Last year we OVERFILLED TWO big boxes. Let’s do it again this year! :) Registered families, please bring a toy to class!!!!  
These one time 45 minute classes are for parents and kids on the go! Our Kindermusik Playdates are a really fun themed Kindermusik experience mixed with take-home materials.  These classes are a GREAT opportunity to experience what Kindermusik is like if you are considering subscribing to weekly classes. This month, get ready for the Turkey Pokey in our I’M THANKFUL classes!
Pictures, Pictures, ADORABLE pictures …. we had a GREAT costume week.
Check out all the pictures here to see the fun! They are sure to put a smile on your face.
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Learn more about our:

Schedule your free preview class now for week of January 20th!

CLASSES AT GROW AND SING STUDIOS BEGIN THE WEEK OF JANUARY 20th, and all locations are open for new families with children newborn through age 7  to preview FREE January 20 – 25, 2014! Reservations are required.

Contact , or call 407.970.2774, and you’ll be matched up with your class choice or the best class for you to preview based on your child’s age and where you live!

FREE PREVIEWS AVAILABLE AT ALL PARTICIPATING STUDIO LOCATIONS LISTED AT GROWANDSING.COM/LOCATIONS (does not apply to playdate only locations). Piano lesson previews available as well at our East Orlando piano studio. Learn more at www.growandsing.com.

Do you know about our NEWBORNS ARE FREE OFFER? We offer free tuition to our Kindermusik to families with babies that are under 5 months old. Once baby turns 5 months tuition is then charged. You can read all about our offer here: https://www.growandsing.com/classes/newborns-free/. As that information explains, families are still responsible for purchasing the required home materials that Kindermusik requires us to provide you which includes a CD’s, books, and instruments so you can enjoy activities at home quietly with your baby when you aren’t with us. Basically in summary, we “scholarship” newborns, but Kindermusik doesn’t for materials. Once your baby turns 5 months, tuition charges begin should you want to continue with your Kindermusik class experience. Feel free to contact us if you would like to claim one of these spaces! 

We also have really fun Kindermusik playdates coming soon (first one is January 14th!). Theme is DRUM CIRCLE! Click here for more information on Kindermusik Playdates. Please note, free previews are not available for playdate events. These require registration and payment. However, check out a great deal at groupon!

We can’t wait to meet all our new families!
Happy New Year!

Time to register!!

hey mom get over here! kindermusik now!

Visit us at https://www.growandsing.com/

While we strongly encourage the children who attend our classes to show their parents respect, we couldn’t ignore the fact that this kid has his priorities straight!

It’s time to register for classes. We start SOON! Fall classes begin the first week in September.

Click here to REGISTER

Offering music and movement classes, art and book time, baby signing, playdates and summer camps for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and young children.

Servicing East Orlando, Avalon Park, UCF/Oviedo, Downtown Orlando, Lake Mary, Lake Nona, Hunter’s Creek, Port Orange, Winter Springs, Casselberry, Voluisa County and Dr. Phillips.

We can’t wait to have you join us!

Picture Perfect!

As kids are returning to school and our classes are about to head back to session, how about spending some time documenting your kiddos. Consider taking pictures that you will cherish, without the struggle and posing that normally accompanies picture taking. How you ask? Simple. Capture your kids doing what they do naturally. Those are the pictures you will love, and that will be most memorable.  Unlike the “I’m attempting to smile Mom, but my face looks like I’m growling instead” pictures. We all know those, right?

When our Kindermusik photographer Rachel V visits a studio class, she focuses on the things we don’t. Things like the way your child’s face lights up when the parachute comes out, or how excited they are to choose their own movement during the class hello ritual. Most importantly, when they look at you and see your love for them written all over your face! Those are the moments you’ll cherish forever. Not the picture of your kid standing next to a wall saying “cheese”.

And so, Grow and Sing Studios’ Ms. Leslie and Ms. Holly have some simple tricks to turn your point and shoot camera into your best friend.

1. Turn your flash OFF. Flash distorts natural color. Leslie’s favorite room to snap pictures in is the playroom. It has huge double doors to outside that lets in tons of natural light. Rachel V captured this picture in their playroom on the floor! By far the Watson’s favorite picture of their kids!

Photo courtesy of  rachelvphotography.com

2. Try to avoid interrupting your child’s play. Allow them to go about their business, and you’ll capture some gems. Try to take the pictures on their level and snap while they aren’t paying attention to you.

Pardon the mess, We were camping and C found pine cones!

  1. Document time passage. For the younger kiddos, these stickers below for their shirts are so much fun! For the older kids, consider an annual “survey ritual” like this one. Fill out the survey, and save with a picture in an album each year!

4. Natural settings create beautiful memories. Whether it’s the beach, the mountains, a walk down the street or a bike ride, when a child is fully engaged in their surroundings or activity, you can’t go wrong. Ms. Holly loves capturing her family as they take evening strolls, or play at the beach. Rachel V of course captures those moments in class.

5. Have fun with FUN apps! If you are taking pictures from your phone, there are some really fun apps you can use to tweak or customize your photo. You may want to try Instagram which has fun filters and frames. If you want to create a collage or grid, try Photo Grid, or PhotoFunia. Oh the fun you can have!
Most importantly, take pictures, print some and back them up on a jump drive to keep somewhere safe in case your computer takes a hit!

Our team can’t wait to see you all in classes soon. If you haven’t registered yet, Come join us!!
Click here to view our Fall Class Offerings.
Click here to REGISTER.

Classes start the first week in September!

Content contributed by Ms. Leslie and Ms. Holly, both of whom are mommies of 2, and always snapping away! 

Summer Kindermusik is over. Now what?

What!!? No Kindermusik for a whole month? We know, a scary thought! What are you going to do to occupy your tots mind you ask? Have no fear, Grow and Sing Studios is here! During class breaks and even on a normal week, one of our amazing teachers, Ms. Leslie, has a 3 year old who loves to be busy, learn and explore the world around us. Ms. Leslie has shared 5 fool proof fun ideas you can do at home to have some fun together (other than listen to Kindermusik songs)! So here’s a mix of indoor and outdoor activities this Kindermusik educating momma loves!

1. Two words : Shaving cream!

We did this on a hot summer day with friends. We filled bowls with shaving cream, painted the slide and let the ids go crazy! Your local dollar store sells Barbasol, be sure NOT to get menthol! Keep a towel and a bucket ready for hand washes and eye wipes! Turn the sprinkler on to wash off! Need more help with this check out GrowingaJeweledRose‘s post or MoldstadMemories on shaving cream fun!

2. Make homemade Playdough together

Playdough is super easy to make at home. Cooking with kids teaches so many important things like following directions, step by step planning, measuring, gross and fine motor skills and reading! Best of all, it keeps in the fridge for a long time! Here’s a recipe I use:


1 cup flour

1/2 cup salt

1 cup water

1 Tablespoon oil

2 teaspoons cream of tartar

Food coloring by drops


1. Combine all ingredients in a pan and stir.  Cook over low heat, stirring until a ball forms.

2. Add food coloring and mix thoroughly until desired color.

3. Cool on foil. Store in covered container.

3. Bubbles and a Bubble Snake Maker!

Bubbles and Kindermusik are synonymous! I haven’t met a Grow and Sing Studios kiddo who doesn’t love bubbles!  This is usually the time of year Target has their summer items including bubbles and bubble makers on clearance! There is also a really cool tutorial here at ComeTogetherKids to make a bubble snake maker! It’s a really easy project using a water bottle and washcloth. Have a competition to see who can blow the longest!!

Photo courtesy of  education.more4kids.info

 4. Read together!

Something so simple does so much for your little one’s brain! Just 20 minutes a day, no matter their age, strengthens your relationship, encourages listening and language skills and establishes a strong learning foundation.  Part of the fun for kids is being able to hear a story come to life. Books give children a way to use their imaginations unlike television does! When a book is read to you, you picture the book in your own head along with the pictures in the book. TV simply takes the creativity out! Your local library is waiting for you! If you’re unsure what your child will like, stroll around the kids section, normally the librarians leave some fun books out for them! Show your kids how to look on the computer for books in the catalog.


 5. Kindermusik Dance Party!

One of our favorite things to do! Put on some tunes and shake the sillies out! Head on over to http://play.kindermusik.com (Kindermusik’s e-music website) and find some new favorites!  Some fun songs to check out are Windshield Wiper Dance, Put your Left Paw in, Hey Lolly and whatever else your feeling! Be silly and have fun with your kids!

Don’t worry classes come back soon and we already miss you! You can always sign up for a Kindermusik Playdate! Don’t forget to enroll for Fall classes for tons more fun!

See you soon!

Posted by Ms. Leslie, Licensed Kindermusik Educator and mommy of 2 who is ready to shake her sillies out



Our School Years include 35 active weeks of classes with some scheduled weeks off which are noted below.

SCHOOL YEAR 2024 – 2025
School Year begins – August 12th, 2024
OFF – Thanksgiving week – Nov. 25 – 29, 2024
OFF – Holiday/Winter break – Dec. 16, 2024 – Jan. 5, 2025
School Year Resumes after Winter Break – Jan 6, 2025
OFF – Spring Break – March 17 – 21, 2025
School Year ends – May 16, 2025

Click here to view school year information.




Summer 2024 has now come to an end.
Join us for the school year!
Summer 2025 calendar will be posted in coming months.

Click here to view Summer options.