
Tag: florida kindermusik

It’s your child’s time

Hello Central Florida Families!

Did you know that the study, practice, and discipline of making music gives the brain and body a complete workout? Imagine activities that are designed to encourage multi-sensory learning, which employs and integrates several senses at once, stimulating multiple areas of the brain.

Our program focuses on each CHILD’S BRAIN, BODY, AND HEART.

The benefits of music are truly transformational. When paired with movement and instrument play, it creates neurological magic, lighting up a child’s brain and positively impacting all areas of development.

Here at Grow and Sing Studios, we use the power and joy of music-making to help children learn and grow during the years most critical to brain development. Our research-based curricula and interactive music experiences establish a foundation of early learning that supports sustained growth, confidence, and creativity throughout the life of a child.

What is Kindermusik?

Kindermusik is music-making with a purpose. Science has shown that children of any age learn more when the learning is playful and fun. Kindermusik kids laugh, smile, stomp, play, kick, clap, jump, sing, and dance. But having fun is just the beginning.

Steeped in educational theory, our programs engage the potential found in every child.

In our classes, children newborn through age 7 experience music of varying styles, genres, and cultures. They interact with other peers and engage in movement, rhythm, and vocal activities that develop far more than just music skills. Our approach to early childhood education primes children for success in school and in life.

Each class focuses on all areas of development including:

  • Receptive Language
  • Whole body movement
  • Social-Emotional Development
  • Sensory Awareness
  • Musical Skills
  • Fine Motor Movement
  • Expressive Language
  • Cognition


Our classes begin in just two weeks! Enroll now. Discover the power and joy of music-based learning by clicking here to view classes and enroll.

For a limited time, new families to our program receive $20 off their first month. So, for one month you receive all the amazing home materials included in class, plus a month of classes for $48. Only days remaining on this offer. Enter NEWFAMILY20 in the additional information field when you register here and we’ll adjust your first payment.

In addition to that all registrants previous and new, are invited to attend a SECOND class each week, FREE. Learn more about our subscriber benefits.

Have you already registered? Great! We can’t wait to see you (and look out soon for your music downloads!). Has your child aged out? That’s okay, we KNOW you know someone who could benefit from this email. We thank you for sharing.

We are ready to help you build a strong foundation for your child for a lifetime love of learning. Let’s go!

with music and magic, team grow and sing





Oh by the way! We are giving away free prizes on our live event this Friday. Click GOING right now! Join us at 11am on instagram or facebook, to perhaps win a REMO hand drum, tushbaby carrier (as seen on shark tank) or a FREE MONTH OF CLASSES. See you there!

The Gift of Time

What is something you absolutely love to do? What are you good at? What is your favorite band? Who are your best friends?

Now, imagine how different your path with any of these things would be if you only went by your very first impression. Did you know instantly that you loved to do that thing? Or did you need to try a few times before you realized it was something you liked to do, or were good at. Maybe running, or dancing, or sports. What about your favorite song or band? Did you sing along the first time you heard it?

Think about it. How long does it take you to sing along to a song? I mean ACTUALLY SING ALONG. On first listen, you are most likely processing. Thinking about if you would like to hear it again. The second time, you may be tapping your foot, or humming along. The third time, maybe you are singing along to the chorus. You get the idea. It takes time to process experiences. It takes time to decide if it’s something we want to do again. It takes us time to form relationships, or skills.

As parents, we just want our kids to be happy. We want them to have fun, and feel safe. But the truth is, there’s growth in a bit of the unknown, in the processing.

Timgrown up holding crying childe and time again, we witness families with their babies or toddlers in a first time preview of one of our music classes. New experiences are challenging for children and adults. It takes time to process new environments and take it all in. Many times, as young children are easing into their first class, they may be quiet, cry, or even the opposite, it may overexcite them. This is all part of processing and it’s only the first impression.  In fact, what we are really talking about here is a parent’s first impression of their child’s first impression.

“She’s never like this at home”. We hear this a lot. As educators, we aren’t surprised. Why? Because Kindermusik is a sensory rich environment filled with sights, sounds, socialization, brain work, team work and the list goes on. It would be surprising to think that a child isn’t processing this new environment. To either clam up quietly as an observer, or to run around wildly as a kinesthetic learner. All of this is part of the first impression. When a parent decides to not enroll based on this first impression, could it be that so much learning and growth opportunities are missed? Imagine an environment that allows for these first impression moments in a non-judgmental way, and allows for a 2nd, 3rd or even 4th impression before making a final decision. Imagine the possibilities.

Consider giving your child the gift of time.

xo HollyHolly Lesnick is a Licensed Kindermusik Educator and Studio owner at Grow and Sing Studios, a Bachelor of Music Therapy, mom of 2 and celebrated 20 years of marriage with her husband Will.  Holly is the Kindermusik International Brand Ambassador for the U.S., and always happy to collaborate with brands she believes in.


Click here for offer for new families to Grow and Sing Studios. 

Exciting News, Hot off the Press!

Exciting news hot off the press!
We are excited to announce we have just been awarded the Kindermusik Top Program Award for 2018-2019 which designates us as one of the top Kindermusik programs in the world, out of over 5000 programs. This is our 12th consecutive Kindermusik Top Program Award that we have received for Grow and Sing Studios. Programs who have, as a result of building a truly expansive program, proven masterful in reaching large numbers of families with the Kindermusik experience are awarded designation of Kindermusik Top Program.
Thank you to all who have supported our mission to connect families through the magic of music over the last 14 years.

Happy Earth Day!

Hello friends, I thought it would be the perfect day for our weekly close-up picture. It’s amazing how Easter weekend (and Passover weekend) make everything feel lighter, brighter and renewed. If you look around (at least here in Florida) things are greener, more colorful. The flowers are blooming everywhere! This flower is at our home studio. It’s a symbol of a new season. It reminds me that time moves on and we really should embrace and enjoy each season, each moment.

If there’s a moment that isn’t so enjoyable I like to say that it’s part of life. If it doesn’t serve us, we can accept it, let it go, and know we are learning and growing during those rougher times too. They make the sweeter times even sweeter, don’t they?

How we handle all of it, I believe, is in the gratitude.

I hope you enjoy our little symbol of renewal and as we head into our final few weeks of our school year of classes and into Summer. I am grateful for YOU.

Happy Earth Day!

All the Very Best,

xo Holly

Holly Lesnick is a Licensed Kindermusik Educator and Studio owner at Grow and Sing Studios, a Bachelor of Music Therapy, mom of 2 and this past September celebrated 20 years of marriage with her husband Will.  Holly is the U. S. Kindermusik International Brand Ambassador, and always happy to collaborate with brands she believes in.


Why New Year’s IS a big deal.

A new year.  Hmm.

I mean, it’s really just the next day, right? A continuation of the life we have created for ourselves. So why does New Year’s Eve feel so momentous? Then again, we celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, so why wouldn’t we make a huge deal about New Years?

Here’s the thing. On birthdays, we celebrate the life of a person, and their growth so far. Anniversaries are celebrated to acknowledge a relationship and how far it’s come. New Year’s… well, it always feels like everyone is saying goodbye to the past. I read a lot of messages about how the next year will be better, or “goodbye 2018”. But really, isn’t  New Year’s just an anniversary celebration of our time as humans on earth? A simple measure of time just like birthdays and anniversaries? And if that is what it is, then shouldn’t we be celebrating all that we’ve accomplished so far?

Of course looking ahead to see what might come next, making plans, setting goals, well, there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s always good to do that. But may I suggest that instead of looking back and thinking about what you didn’t accomplish, or what didn’t happen, you look at how much progress you have made.  As a parent. As a friend. As a teacher. As a human.

Dare I say that life NEVER moves as fast as we want. Not when renovations are getting done, not when you are waiting for a call back from something important. Everything moves slower than we want it to. Why would our lives in general be any different?

Take a look at what great things happened this year. The little things that might not have seemed so significant at the time, but as you look back realize they were.

Here at Grow and Sing Studios, we educate parents and young children. We celebrate each new milestone as if it were the biggest thing ever to happen. Am I right? Why does that stop as we get older? Our time here on earth is a journey. It’s a journey from the time we are born. Each year, full of learning, growth, mistakes, mishaps, misunderstandings and good times. Each year, things get perhaps, a bit more complicated because we have more life information gathered inside our brains.

rocks stacked together


I took this photograph this year in Ireland. It was a trip I wanted to take my entire life. Traveling abroad was my dream. Just like life tends to be, it took a long time to happen for me. But it DID happen. As I searched each stone on this beach on the Ring of Kerry in County Kerry, Ireland, taking notice of color, texture, shape and size I realized I was honoring each small step that finally got me to this destination. I carefully piled the stones up while breathing in the cool crisp air, noticing the blue sky and smiling at my wonderful husband patiently waiting for me so we could move on to our next stop on the ring of Kerry. I took time here, with these stones, to honor and celebrate each and every challenge and triumph that got me there.

I will do that again, here on this New Year’s Eve.

I hope this message finds you invigorated and reflective. You are awesome!
Happy New Year friends.

All the very best,
xo Holly


Holly Lesnick is a Licensed Kindermusik Educator and Studio owner at Grow and Sing Studios, a Bachelor of Music Therapy, mom of 2 and this past September celebrated 20 years of marriage with her husband Will.  Kindermusik International Brand Ambassador, and always happy to collaborate with brands she believes in.


Grow and Sing Studios Presents: Baby Days 2018

Welcome to our BABY DAYS 2018 at Grow and Sing Studios!!
Kindermusik Foundations, for children newborn to walking, incorporates the most current research on early childhood development and provides families a special place for learning and connecting with other parents and babies through music and movement.

baby playing with scarves

Our Foundations classes offer a sensory-rich yet caring and gentle environment where babies can explore and react to new sounds, sensations, objects, and movements. Classes include instrument play, scarves, dancing, singing, rocking, massage, exercise, drumming and SO much more!

Check out our baby days schedule below.
baby days calendar

Have you been meaning to come try out a class, or are you just finding out about our program for the first time? We invite you to come check out one of these classes, have some fun, make some music and hopefully fall in love with the magic of Kindermusik! Reservations are required and space is limited.

How do I do it?

A Monday reflection from Owner/Director and Mompreneur Holly Lesnick:

I’m often asked how I can do so much or be so busy. How do I do it? How do I manage?

I usually just respond with “I’m not sure, it just works.”

But I’ve thought about it, and the truth to me is completely simple. First, let me explain for those that don’t know exactly what “so much” entails. I own Grow and Sing Studios. 13 years ago, after 2 years teaching Kindermusik for anther studio and as a music therapist on a break when my son was 6 weeks old, I created my studio which offered a very simple TWO Kindermusik classes per week total. I began this journey because I yearned for connections with other parents and through my first passion which is music it seemed like the obvious fit. I craved to be in a happy, smiley, positive place and so, I decided to create it for myself. At the time, my husband did wedding and event video – another happy, smiley, positive place as well. During the recession, his video business was affected, but somehow Grow and Sing Studios GREW. Not only grew, but won awards. Lots of awards. How is that? Through the years, I’ve added numerous locations and various classes, a wonderful staff, birthday parties, piano lessons, voice lessons… frankly the list is VERY long and could go on because not all things I tried, stuck. But, through it all, the goal was simple though I’m not sure I saw it yet. On the surface yes, it’s to earn more money and support my family. Of course that’s mission number one. It’s also to be the best I can be in my field. When I’m “in it” I’m trying to compete, be fierce, stay on the cutting edge of social media. It sometimes seems exhausting but my focus never wavers.

A few years ago we added our photo booth business. To some, this seemed REALLY random. To other’s their response was “here we go, Holly and Will are at it again”, but to the few who REALLY know me, it was, oh WOW this makes sense. Will missed his connections made when doing event video. He enjoys the excitement. I thrive on happy environments. What’s better to merge together than a photo booth business right? Each time I help Will with a photo booth job, one thing just screams out loud to me. Something that happens in every Kindermusik class, every birthday party, every staff meeting I lead, and every photo booth gig we do. LAUGHTER. Let me tell you, the LAUGHTER that spills out of that photo booth is contagious. It’s incredible. Seriously. If you are ever nearby a photo booth. Just go stand near it and listen. I PROMISE your day will become brighter.

On top of all of that, two and half years ago, I accepted a part time contract position with Kindermusik International as a Kindermusik University Coach. My task is to lead KU students through online business AND pedagogy courses, a 3 day face to face conference, and through a vigorous 1 month practicum to ultimately send them into their own journey of starting a Kindermusik Studio. I have students all across sthe U.S. and even some in Canada and beyond. It’s so rewarding helping others achieve their dream. While along the way there is a lot of fun, laughter and I get to work with some amazing Kindermusik professionals that are also part of the KU training team.

I feel like this is becoming a review of my resume. But ultimately, it’s just an explanation of how I do “so much”.

In the end, the most important job of all is being a mother to Anna and Aiden. What a journey parenting is. Oh the laughter. Oh the teenage angst.

Okay, so what do I thrive on, and keep adding to my life and career? LAUGHTER. SMILES. CONNECTIONS. I finally figured it out. It’s the constant guarantee in life full of variables. Is life an experiment? Well yes, we are always trying new things, testing the waters, figuring it out. But I’m starting to realize that if you can find your constant that makes you the happiest, you WILL succeed. And so, I finally figured it out. HAPPINESS is my dream. LAUGHTER is what I long for, and what I strive for each and every day.

May your week bring you much happiness, peace, success and many giggles.

Thanks for reading.

xo Holly
Holly Lesnick is a Licensed Kindermusik Educator and Studio owner at Grow and Sing Studios, a Bachelor of Music Therapy, mom of 2 and in September will celebrate 20 years of marriage with her husband Will. 


Your child loves music? You don’t say.

I woke up this fine Tuesday morning, after a nice Labor Day weekend with my family thinking about all the emails and messages I need to reply to. I’m so excited that many parents are investigating a musical experience for their child and themselves. It’s great. However, in reading these emails I am noticing a lot of the following.

“My son loves music.”

“My daughter loves to sing.”

“My child is always dancing.”

or on the flipside:

“I want to try to see if my newborn likes it.”

“I’m not sure my toddler will like music.”

I am not surprised at all to hear that a child loves music and that they like to sing and dance. It’s play, and it’s a child’s work to play.

However, I am surprised to hear that parents of small children want to try music to see if their child likes it.

Who doesn’t like music?

That is the question I asked myself this morning.

Did you know a study by Nielsen Music in 2017 reported that the average American listens to music 32 hours a week? That’s on AVERAGE. That’s a LOT of hours. Music is all around us. It’s in the background in the movies and shows we watch. It’s on in the background while we are doing work. It’s playing in the car. It’s playing in the grocery store. It’s everywhere.


Honestly, as a music therapist, I could go on all day on the healing elements of music. But I’ll give you a little list today that might help explain WHY your child loves music. Why YOU love music. Why music is everywhere.

First, music can improve cognitive function. Music ignites all areas of the brain. It lights it up, helps those connections, well connect. When parents say their child loves music I always think “of course he does”, because his brain is excited and it’s connecting through music in a way no other thing on earth could ever do. Music is rhythm and almost every function of daily living requires some rhythm. Walking, talking, writing, typing, running, throwing, kicking. All of it.

Another reason we love music is that it relaxes us. It’s scientifically proven that music reduces stress. By listening to music, the nervous system calms and recovers quickly from the many stressors in life. This is why in our classes, we work on the learned skill of relaxation while listening to music. We are teaching children early on to help their body calm and recover.

Have you ever tried to memorize something, and it just wasn’t sticking? But then, when you put the information into a song, or a rhyme, voila, you remembered? That’s because music has been proven to improve memory. Could it have something to do with the fact that our hearts have beats so we have an innate NEED for music and rhythm in our bodies and brains? I think so.

Music is also a great tool for managing pain, boosting mood, reducing depression and improving sleep. Who doesn’t like that?

I’m excited to reply to these parents who are in tune with the fact their children love music. However, in the future, I would love to get messages that read something like this:

“I know that music is one of the most important aspects of life. I’m ready to learn the many ways music benefits my baby, and what I can do at home when we aren’t in class”.

To everyone out there, I assure you, your baby will love it. After 15 years of teaching Kindermusik, I haven’t met a baby yet that hasn’t liked music.

Happy singing!

xo Holly


Holly Lesnick is a Licensed Kindermusik Educator and Studio owner at Grow and Sing Studios, a Bachelor of Music Therapy, mom of 2 and in September will celebrate 20 years of marriage with her husband Will. 

7 Health Benefits of Music

There are so many healthy benefits of music. Here are 7 reasons that may inspire you. Let your child’s healthy music life begin at #Kindermusik. growandsing.com
7 health benefits of music

Why these moments mean everything.

I first stepped into a Kindermusik classroom as a brand new mom to our daughter Anna. She was three months old, and I was SO nervous! I had no idea what to expect. I had resigned from my job as a Music Therapist and Activity Director in the geriatric population to stay at home with Anna and there was no doubt in my mind music would be a part of our world. The minute I entered that Kindermusik class, my entire world changed. It felt like home. I adored being a Kindermusik parent in class. I was blown away by the child centered approach to learning, the accepting loving environment and the incredible parent education I received. It was one of the most precious times that I now realize go by far to quickly. Considering my degree in Music Therapy, I was quickly convinced to teach Kindermusik and so I became licensed. I loved teaching it. I loved attending it. Thanks to my daughter Anna, who led me there, I found my true passion.
Aiden and I at Kindermusik
Fast forward a few years. I was extremely pregnant with our son Aiden when the studio I worked for closed up their business and I lost my Kindermusik teaching job. After Aiden was born, I was such a happy mom of two, but there was something missing. My little man needed to have Kindermusik and I SO craved those moments with him. I knew the incredible developmental benefits it had already had on our daughter, not to mention the many milestones I had witnessed of others in classes I taught. I honestly couldn’t imagine not having the opportunity to enjoy the Kindermusik activities with him. So, in 2005, I selfishly created Grow and Sing Studios for Aiden. I even convinced my dear friend, a music educator whom I met in music school to work with me, so I could attend as a mom! And so, the roller coaster of business ownership, mixed with being Kindermusik mom began.

It’s been 16 years since I became licensed and I have loved every moment. My husband Will came on board and Grow and Sing Studios became our family business. Our mission, to connect as many families as we can through the magic of music is our focus. We are blessed with such an incredible team of educators who we consider family. Our children both graduated Kindermusik after attending the entire continuum of classes. Anna is now almost 17 and Aiden is 13! I can’t express how much I cherish the moments I had with them at Kindermusik in their first years. The cuddles, the dances, the precious unplugged, uninterrupted moments. They are what life is about. That is what we want for you. So that when you are in the hustle and bustle of car lines, band rehearsals, and sports practices in 16 or so years, you can look back and remember that fun dance, silly song, or quiet time rocking song you shared with your baby at Kindermusik and cherish them too.See you soon.



Our School Years include 35 active weeks of classes with some scheduled weeks off which are noted below.

SCHOOL YEAR 2024 – 2025
School Year begins – August 12th, 2024
OFF – Thanksgiving week – Nov. 25 – 29, 2024
OFF – Holiday/Winter break – Dec. 16, 2024 – Jan. 5, 2025
School Year Resumes after Winter Break – Jan 6, 2025
OFF – Spring Break – March 17 – 21, 2025
School Year ends – May 16, 2025

Click here to view school year information.




Summer 2024 has now come to an end.
Join us for the school year!
Summer 2025 calendar will be posted in coming months.

Click here to view Summer options.