Tag: university of central florida
Grow and Sing Studios wins Conductor’s Circle Maestro Award!
We are SO excited to announce that Grow and Sing Studios has been awarded with the Kindermusik Conductor’s Circle Maestro Award for 2013-2014. We are in the top 1% of Kindermusik Programs in the world, and ranked #20 out of over 5000 programs worldwide.
Music produces feelings of JOY!
It truly is amazing how music affects all areas of development and the brain, and has a direct effect on our feelings. This cutie is one of our very joyful and content Kindermusik kids at Grow and Sing Studios captured this past Spring semester. What better way to spend time together, and help your child feel happy, content and most importantly SAFE! Currently enrolling in HAPPY amazing classes at Grow and Sing Studios in Central Florida. :) Click here to learn all about Kindermusik, and what we have to offer your family this Summer and beyond!
Introducing the new WWW.GROWANDSING.COM!
We are SO excited to announce that our brand new website is LIVE. This new Grow and Sing Studios website works on ALL devices, from smartphones to tablets/ipads to computers! Check it out! It’s now much easier to navigate from anywhere and enrollment is easy!
We want to give a huge thanks to Rhubarb Productions for creating our site, and all their guidance and patience through the process. Our studio is pretty busy these days, with a lot of offerings and locations and it took a lot of work to get our page just right!
Our new Grow and Sing Studios page at www.growandsing.com lists all our class options, piano lessons, birthday parties, and SO much more. Read what parents are saying, learn about our staff, and view our gallery of pictures. We also have beautiful pages dedicated to our new programs, Simply Music Piano Lessons and New Mommy Meetup mommy and me classes.
Grow and Sing Studios
“Connecting Families Through the Magic of Music”
Voted “Best Music Class”
We are proud to announce that we have won for the 2nd year in a row “Best Music Class in Orlando” in the Parent’s Picks awards by Nickelodeon at parentsconnect.com.
If you haven’t yet experienced a music class with Grow and Sing Studios, please come on down to our FREE DEMONSTRATION AND OPEN HOUSE EVENT on Thursday, August 20th!
10:30am – Demonstration class for Babies up to 18 months
11:15am – Demonstration class for all ages up to 7 years old
These will take place at our UUUS location near UCF / Oviedo. Directions can be found here! https://www.growandsing.com/location_kindermusik_orlando.php
We will raffle off prizes, sing songs, dance, play with scarves, keep rhythm with instruments, and much much more! Please email to let us know you are coming!
To register click here: https://www.growandsing.com/register_kindermusik_orlando.php
Downtown Summer Classroom Details!
Hi everyone,
As we move into the HOTS months of Summer, we had to evaluate what would be best for our summer classes. The FUCO location classroom that we had been using is in an older portion of the campus, and the air just doesn’t work very well when it gets hot outside. It’s perfectly fine when its cool outside, but hot temps = hot classroom which isn’t good for dancing and moving about! :)
So.. we are taking a little move over to their main hall for summer and they are graciously letting us use their library! This is still on the same campus as before, just in a different building. It’s a WONDERFUL space, and we are really really grateful and excited for the permission to rent and use it!
It’s a VERY cool room, and we can adjust the air levels ourselves, so there is NO concern about it being too hot! Everyone will be quite comfortable. It’s a fully carpeted room as you can see below, and bigger than the other classroom.
I wanted to be sure to share this info with those who took classes downtown in the Spring session, as this could most definitely influence your decision to join us for Summer since it was starting to get hot in the other classroom towards the end of the session. :) Also, wanted to be sure those who are currently registered for summer know where you will be going!
We are VERY excited about this move for summer and we think you will be quite pleased! Because this classroom is bigger, we have decided to change the schedule a bit by removing the 1:30pm music class. The schedule can be viewed by clicking here. Downtown classes are listed as FUCO (First Unitarian Church of Orlando).
To join us for summer click here to REGISTER ONLINE
This classroom is in GORE HALL.
From Hampton Road, Make a left onto the campus and Gore Hall is directly on your left after the office. Go in the main glass entrance, and the Library is on your left.
From the Robinson entrance, go straight to the back parking lot and make a right. Gore Hall will be on your right. Go in the main glass entrance, and the library is on your left!
and now some pictures to get you even more excited!!!!
Summer classroom downtown
Enter here!
Amazing parking right in front!
We hope to see you this summer. If you are already registered, we look forward to seeing you for class #1 on June 12th!!
Holly Lesnick
Please Vote for Grow and Sing Studios!
We were once again nominated for Nickelodeon’s Parent’s Picks awards! Please help us keep our title!! :) You can vote once per day. Click on the link below and vote vote vote!!!
Maestro again!!!!!!!!!!!
Maestro Award
We proudly received the following letter yesterday:
April 1, 2009
Dear Maestro,
Congratulations on earning Maestro status for the 2009-2010 license year, which begins today, April 1, 2009! This recognition is for the educators who serve the most children, are the most masterful teachers, or distinguish themselves through outreach. This is an “august” group – the best of the best.
This mission, that we collectively call Kindermusik, couldn’t possibly have the breadth of benefit for children without you. I know you have made great sacrifices and applied liberal amounts of elbow grease to get to this level. I appreciate you and your efforts and will do everything I can to help Kindermusik serve your continued success.
Thank you for all you do on behalf of music and children.
Most sincerely,
Michael G. Dougherty
Chairman & CEO
We are excited and ready for Summer. Registration is underway. Click here for the link to the Summer page on our website!
All the best,
Director / Owner
Licensed Kindermusik Educator
Registered Music Therapist
Local Representative for the Central FL Partnership of Kindermusik Educators
Pictures of our new Downtown location
Hi everyone. We are very excited about our move to the First Unitarian Church of Orlando in Downtown. The folks there are welcoming us all with open arms, and we can’t wait to begin! Come see for yourself on Friday, December 19th from 11:30am – 1:30pm. I thought I would give you a little sneak preview as many of your are in the process of registering!
View from the classroom door – a courtyard where you can visit or picnic before and after class.
Parking is VERY big and easy!
As you can see, it’s a lovely classroom, lovely grounds, and GREAT parking. There is also a playground to use when the preschoolers aren’t using it!
The classroom is a bit smaller than we are used to, so we are limiting our class sizes to 7 or 8 children MAX. It’s very cozy, clean and will make a wonderful KM environment for you and your child.
Of course, don’t forget about our other 3 AMAZING locations as well. So many classes and locations to choose from!!
You can register here:https://www.growandsing.com/register_online_kindermusik_orlando.php.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email or call!!
All the very best,
Holly Lesnick
Director / Owner
Licensed Kindermusik Educator
Music Therapist
Local Representative for the Central FL Partnership of Kindermusik Educators